Colouring Pages

Coastal Ravens - Colouring Page

A little break from Inktober madness for a colouring page as we have storm force winds heading our way today for the first storm of the season. I figured its getting time to cozy up with some pencils and get at it. Drawing line work on a rocking boat provides its own challenges, but I still enjoy looking out the wheelhouse windows and seeing the weather stir up the clouds and the seas. I always know storms are coming as there are flocks of grounded seagulls on the breakwater. Around the docks you’ll find plenty of birds… Seagulls, Crows, Ravens, Eagles, Kingfishers, Herons as well as a ton of smaller birds. Ravens are one of my favourites. They are beautiful and mysterious birds, but don’t turn your back on them. They are known to unzip back packs, open coolers and take your snacks away. Smart as a whip these tricksters are!


Surf Season in Tofino - Colouring Page

This weekend kicks off surf season in Tofino with the annual Queen of the Peak surf competition, so I felt it fitting to embrace the oncoming big wave season for October’s colouring page. Sisterly shredders come from far and wide to take part in this women’s only surf competition, inspiring young girls to get out there and have some fun in the waves. I’m just happy enough to sip my coffee on the beach and watch them rip (MUCH warmer... haha)!


Sure the ocean seems ‘blue’, but if you look closely it is full of colours. There are hues of sunny day blues and greens, stormy shades of dusky grey, or the reflections from boats and land. My personal favourites are the early morning purples, as well as the pink and orange sunsets! What are yours? This page will be in October’s Tofino Time magazine, the Tourism Tofino website and my own website so have some fun with it and let’s see what you come up with? #tofinocolour


September Steller Sea Lions - Colouring Page

This summer has been a bit of a whirlwind and I cannot believe I am working on Septembers page already. I do apologies for August's LACK of page in Tofino Time. Between my brief holiday escape and some important articles that needed the space, I missed a month! No worry... back on track here. #tofinocolour


All Good Things Are Wild And Free

I have Salmon on the brain. It's inevitable at this time of year as Adam wakes up every morning before the crack of dawn to take guests out exploring Clayoquot Sound in search of Salmon, beach walking bears, whales, sea otters, bald eagles and other west coast critters. He loves to show people our back yard, and feels completely blessed that this is his 'work'. He comes home, all sun/wind or rain drenched and exhausted each day for about 90 days of the year, but still retains that enthusiasm to get up every morning during the season and introduce someone new to this beautiful place we are lucky enough to call home. This page is dedicated to him and all the other guides who put in the hours on the water, taking the time to educate people of the importance of protecting our coastline. If you are interested in donating to Salmon Enhancement Projects in Clayoquot Sound then please pop over to the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust and donate to the Clayoquot Sound Wild Salmon Fund.

In the meantime... Salmon may be varying versions of silver, but please feel free to colour my salmon with a little imagination in July's Tofino Time. #tofinocolour 


Celebrating Our Oceans - West Coast Colouring Page

World Oceans Day is coming up on June 8th, and it is a time to CELEBRATE our connection to the oceans no matter where we live. This months colouring page is inspired by just that. In the spirit of #oceanoptimism, I’d like to share what I LOVE about the ocean and why it is so important to me…

I have spent most of my life around or on the ocean and these are just some of the things that really stand out for me. The smell… all of them… even the stinky ones. The sound of eagles, wailing seagulls, whining crows, barking sea lions… even float planes and boats have a sound of people living and working on the sea. The excitement on small children faces as they fish off the dock for little perch. Fishing for and eating fresh caught wild salmon or cracking into Dungeness. Walking the beaches and watching the waves. Watching dogs race across the sand as they experience a true sense of freedom. Fond memories of sailing at night when pacific white sided dolphins come like rockets to a bow wake with phosphorescent fairy trails. The wind in my hair and the tangled mess it leaves behind. Paddle boarding in quiet bays where there are no people. Feeling the weather changes in the pressure of the air, and the water movement in the ebb and flow of the tides. Seeing whales jump and feed, or bears digging under rocks at the beach looking for snacks. Drawing ocean creatures and trying my best to capture the essence of them as best as I can (since I do not have gills of my own). Even my fair share of frightening moments on the ocean too… yet I come back for more. I feel so lucky to be living the life I have, and I have the ocean to thank for that.  

Whether we live on the coast or deep inland, the health of our oceans affects every one of us. Being aware of the value of our oceans and the current challenges that they face is our responsibility as human beings. With all the media out there talking climate change, ocean plastics, melting glaciers, oil spills and salmon farms it can be overwhelming. We can’t fix it all today, but we can pick one. Start with one. It is our responsibility to protect what we love and I feel the best way to do this is to inspire others to love and respect it too. I encourage all of you who haven’t seen the ocean, or who live deep within concrete walls to make a trip to the coast. It is the only true way to understand. It is only a matter of time before we reach the tipping point where little actions become normal behaviour and they impact the world in a positive way.  


Birds Eye View - Colouring Page

I always default on ocean themes, but after spending a week at an Island (and bird sanctuary) in Mexico I have started to appreciate birds just that much more. I always know spring is coming when I hear the Robins in the morning. At the docks, we see Gulls, Crows, Ravens, KingFishers, Barn Swallows, Herons, Bald Eagles and so many more that I don't even know the names of (my daughters birding buddies would be able to list them all off). Bald Eagles are significant in so many first nations stories and legends across BC, and I love that we are lucky to see healthy populations of them here in Tofino and Clayoquot Sound.   

Feel free to download May's colouring page (a little early treat). It will also be in May's Tofino Time magazine. Enjoy! :)


Dawn Patrol - January's Colouring Page

January is around the corner and of course this brings a new year. Some folks enjoy the holiday time to just chill and get to everything in January, but admittedly I like to spend that last week of the year clearing the clutter and catching up so on January 1st I can start with a fresh clean slate! For Christmas this year I was given a Vitamix and a copy of Tim Ferriss's Tribe Of Mentors so I am well armed... ;)

This colouring page was inspired by one of my dearest friends... my dog walking, ½ marathon training, tea slurping, chocolate eating, business brainstorming partner in crime and passionate oceans and clean beach advocate - Michelle Hall of Surfrider Pacific Rim and Cedarwood Cove. 

It will be showing up in Tofino Time for January as well, so if you feel so inspired (by someone or something), print it, give it some colour then hashtag #tofinocolour on Instagram and tell me about your inspiration or aspirations for 2018! 


Guiding Light - Colouring Page

Happy December... It's that time of year again when we eat too many mandarin oranges and chocolate! It has been a busy fall for me with LOTS of design projects and holiday market preparations. With a record busy Tofino Winter Artisan Market for me yesterday, I think I will lay low today, bake some treats, get out for a good run and maybe throw around a little holiday cheer in the place with Rowan. Seems like a good time to also share my December's colouring page. This image in colour is also available as a Holiday Card in my SHOP. Let see how you choose to colour it with #tofinocolour! Enjoy the holiday season!

Riding The Tube - Colouring Page

Surfing is a big part of Tofino's west coast culture. People come from all over the world to try their hands at navigating the sheer power of the cold Pacific Ocean. During the summer they, often in hordes and equipped in their 'wetsuit uniform', are seen zipping around on their bikes (with boards on their racks) or standing in line ups at the Co-op, Wild Side, Tacofino or Tofitian just waiting to get out on the big blue and experience it for themselves. Wet, cold wetsuits are NOT fun to get off and on so I can understand why they just leave them on (one of the big reasons I rarely get out). Surfing isn't easy though... the pros make it look that way, but it takes hard work and dedication to make it look as romantic as they do. Tofino is home to some of Canada's best! Women, men and even the groms are making global headlines as they train for the next Olympics.

This is the time of year when as the surf gets bigger, the braver tend to venture out so it's a great time to don your cozy sweaters and rain gear, grab your hot chocolate and watch them from the beach. :)

'Riding The Wave' is inspired by all the wicked surf photographers and surfers who get out there in the freezing waters year round to capture the beauty of the ocean from a tubular perspective! You can download it here, or catch it in Tofino Time in November! 

The Coastal Wolves - Colouring Page

Coastal wolves share our space here in Tofino. They are different from the inland Grey wolves you find on the mainland of BC. They tend to be smaller, they swim and primarily eat fish. As much as we love viewing wolves, they tend to become easily habituated with the amount of human interactions that take place on the coast (camping, garbage etc.) If you see a wolf, briefly enjoy its beauty and then scare it away. You will save it in the long run! #tofinocolour


Springs and Hidden Things - Colouring Page

March was a REALLY wet month... so wet that I feel like a grape. Lots of soggy dog walks and indoor cabin (or tiny boat) fever feelings! Now it's April, and I actually see warmer temperatures in future weather forecasts! I heard the Robins sing this morning and that made me stand a little taller and walk with a little more 'spring' in my step! Its time for the Salmon to start showing up a little more frequently in Clayoquot Sound. Its time for chocolate Easter eggs, sunshine, blooming flowers and actual signs of Spring! Whoa am I ready for that (as I am sure all Tofitians are)! My new colouring page can be found with the rest of them on my freebies page as well as in April's Tofino Time magazine. I am getting closer to enough for a colouring book so they will only be available a little while longer... get them while you can (and then feel free to support me one day by buying a book when its done... haha)!

Lots of exciting things to look forward to. We are in the process of buying a bigger boat... a beautiful wooden gaff rigged motor sailor with SO MUCH MORE SPACE than our Cheoy Lee. Last winter was a challenge... a true testament of stamina for really small space living (it was hard, but we all still love each other... haha). We decided with the girls being bigger, it meant time for a bigger boat. We are bringing her up here very soon, then have a little work to do to get her ready to move aboard... hopefully before Adam gets smoking busy with fishing charters!

I also thought it would be great to try something a little different this spring and broaden my skill set. I have taken on the position of coordinator for the Tofino Saltwater Classic fundraising fishing derby. Really excited to be part of such a great event in Tofino. This will be the 8th year in a growing event. It is hosted by NHL's Brendan Morrison and I get to be a part of a great team or organizers, sponsors and volunteers. 

We have signed up for the Mind Over Mountain Adventure Race with our good friends as a team of 4. Although I used to paddle and ride a ton, I haven't been in a kayak for ages, nor a mountain bike, so this is going to be a challenge but also heaps of FUN! Living on a boat means only needing to take 3 steps from one thing to the next, so this'll kick my butt back into gear thanks god! Wish us luck!!!

Pacific Pulse - Colouring Page

Pluviophile. a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. (LOVE this)

Its February... and although I tend to feel compelled to follow the seasons with my colouring pages, I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. Its a 'Hallmark' branded holiday designed to get suckers (sorry if you are a sucker, or a business owner who sells to suckers) to buy cards, chocolate and flowers for their loved ones... a perfect marketing ploy as far as I'm concerned (Hang on! Should I be making Valentines cards too?). Maybe I'm just lucky that my guy (after 21 years together) doesn't need a 'day' to remind him... haha! Instead I am reminding us why we should LOVE the rainy winters. Rain is the source of life here on the coast... like it or not. 

Decembers Colouring Page - Free Download

For those cold and crispy (in our case a little soggy) December days! You'll find this free holiday colouring page in Tofino Time Magazine December Issue. If you want the chance to win a print at the end of the month then go ahead and colour in the page, snap a photo and upload it to Instagram with the #tofinocolour hashtag. You can also download it, along with other months on my FREEBIES page! This image is also available as a colouring Christmas Card in my shop if you want to give it as a gift. Ho ho ho!