
It's Been A 'Steller Spring' So Far...

Lots of projects under way, but still taking the time to hike and bike and get away from the desk when I can! Five weeks until we take off to hike Mont Blanc so doing a fair bit of training when I am not in the studio! In the meantime, just a few tidbits to share, or scroll on down for your free downloadable colouring page!


JULY 16 // 11-4pm

After a couple of years hiatus due to relocating, settling, and the pandemic, I have been pretty absent from the market & festival scene. I am excited to be participating in this years TD Victoria Art Gallery Paint-In (formerly known as the Moss Street Paint-In). If you're in the neighbourhood on July 16th from 1-4pm, please come by and say hi!


CLAIRE WATSON x Royal Canadian Mint Collaboration

So this may have happened… again. I am pretty excited to be able to finally share my SECOND commemorative coin for the Royal Canadian Mint! Get yours here before they are gone!

Having been raised on Vancouver Island, I have always sought solace in wild spaces and I have a deep appreciation for the vastness and diversity of the Canadian landscape—the uniqueness of each coast, the forests, the rugged mountains, the northern tundra, and the grasslands that tie them all together.

Free Downloadable Colouring Page

For those who are new to my site, each month I offer free west coast inspired colouring pages that are published and distributed in Tofino Time Magazine. They are also available for download as a high resolution PDF here (scroll down to the button below). If you would like them to come straight to your inbox when I occasionally send out a newsletter, please sign up for my mailing list (yeah, that annoying pop up). Personally I hate getting a bunch of spamming emails, so I promise to keep it to a maximum of once a month (more like once every 4 haha)! Please feel free to download them for personal use. If you are a restaurant, school, organization or business that wants to print them for your clients, customers (or to keep their kids happy) or students then I am totally fine with that too. All I ask is you leave my contact info at the bottom of the page please. Enjoy!

Happy Spring - Colouring Page

As I sit here with a sore knee due to an angry IT Band (note to self: Don’t cross country ski for 13kms when you’ve NEVER done it before), and a chest cold which may or may not be the plaque (‘not’ according to the test, but seems fishy there) I day dream of getting out and up in the mountains to train for our big hiking trip this summer. It is a good opportunity however, to chill out a little and back in touch with my work plans and projects (which is something I have definitely been a little distracted from… just a little). Sometimes it’s the body’s way of making you stop and regroup as I have been on the move all winter, but I am just a crappy patient and happy to admit that. Nevertheless, April brings warmer and longer days which I know we are all looking forward to!

Working on a few projects in the studio (including my brand refresh of which I am struggling a little… it’s always most difficult to do ones own), as well as a few clients diddies going on too. I’ve got a bit of a fire under my be-hind as spring is now here and I need to get into gear!

For now though… it’s hot lemon and honey, stretching and strengthening my IT Band and getting a little rest to recharge for a fun looking summer season of drawing, painting, hiking, biking and paddling! 🙌

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For those who are new to my site, each month I offer free west coast inspired colouring pages that are published and distributed in Tofino Time Magazine. They are also available for download as a high resolution PDF here (scroll down to the button below). If you would like them to come straight to your inbox when I occasionally send out a newsletter, please sign up for my mailing list (yeah, that annoying pop up). Personally I hate getting a bunch of spamming emails, so I promise to keep it to a maximum of once a month (more like once every 4 haha)! Please feel free to download them for personal use. If you are a restaurant, school, organization or business that wants to print them for your clients, customers (or to keep their kids happy) or students then I am totally fine with that too. All I ask is you leave my contact info at the bottom of the page please. Enjoy!

Riding The Tube - Colouring Page

Surfing is a big part of Tofino's west coast culture. People come from all over the world to try their hands at navigating the sheer power of the cold Pacific Ocean. During the summer they, often in hordes and equipped in their 'wetsuit uniform', are seen zipping around on their bikes (with boards on their racks) or standing in line ups at the Co-op, Wild Side, Tacofino or Tofitian just waiting to get out on the big blue and experience it for themselves. Wet, cold wetsuits are NOT fun to get off and on so I can understand why they just leave them on (one of the big reasons I rarely get out). Surfing isn't easy though... the pros make it look that way, but it takes hard work and dedication to make it look as romantic as they do. Tofino is home to some of Canada's best! Women, men and even the groms are making global headlines as they train for the next Olympics.

This is the time of year when as the surf gets bigger, the braver tend to venture out so it's a great time to don your cozy sweaters and rain gear, grab your hot chocolate and watch them from the beach. :)

'Riding The Wave' is inspired by all the wicked surf photographers and surfers who get out there in the freezing waters year round to capture the beauty of the ocean from a tubular perspective! You can download it here, or catch it in Tofino Time in November!