colouring pages

Happy Spring - Colouring Page

As I sit here with a sore knee due to an angry IT Band (note to self: Don’t cross country ski for 13kms when you’ve NEVER done it before), and a chest cold which may or may not be the plaque (‘not’ according to the test, but seems fishy there) I day dream of getting out and up in the mountains to train for our big hiking trip this summer. It is a good opportunity however, to chill out a little and back in touch with my work plans and projects (which is something I have definitely been a little distracted from… just a little). Sometimes it’s the body’s way of making you stop and regroup as I have been on the move all winter, but I am just a crappy patient and happy to admit that. Nevertheless, April brings warmer and longer days which I know we are all looking forward to!

Working on a few projects in the studio (including my brand refresh of which I am struggling a little… it’s always most difficult to do ones own), as well as a few clients diddies going on too. I’ve got a bit of a fire under my be-hind as spring is now here and I need to get into gear!

For now though… it’s hot lemon and honey, stretching and strengthening my IT Band and getting a little rest to recharge for a fun looking summer season of drawing, painting, hiking, biking and paddling! 🙌

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For those who are new to my site, each month I offer free west coast inspired colouring pages that are published and distributed in Tofino Time Magazine. They are also available for download as a high resolution PDF here (scroll down to the button below). If you would like them to come straight to your inbox when I occasionally send out a newsletter, please sign up for my mailing list (yeah, that annoying pop up). Personally I hate getting a bunch of spamming emails, so I promise to keep it to a maximum of once a month (more like once every 4 haha)! Please feel free to download them for personal use. If you are a restaurant, school, organization or business that wants to print them for your clients, customers (or to keep their kids happy) or students then I am totally fine with that too. All I ask is you leave my contact info at the bottom of the page please. Enjoy!